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Currently in India, it appears to be challenging

I have written about my experience participating in a state-level yoga competition in 2016. The content remains the same; I'm just editing it to present it better.


Everybody  is saying  why  can't  India  wins many  medals in Olympics.  A country of 1.4 billion people won just two medals in the 2016 Rio Olympics. When the Olympics were going on, everyone was talking about sports, facilities, sports infrastructure, etc. Billions of rupees were declared as prizes for medal winners and coaches. God knows if it has reached the players or not. 


We should recognise and appreciate winners while not ignoring the rest of the athletes in the country. Personally, I think we should also think of the rest of the millions who have dreamed of it but couldn't go further than district or state level. I feel we are far behind on the basic needs of sport infrastructure, which is the first need for the development of any sport culture. We don't have dedicated sports stadiums for every sport. Lack of boarding facilities in district places and poor conditions in metros and semi-metros for sports events


Participating in a competition should be a great opportunity for every participant, so everyone should keep a keen interest in their sport.

If an athlete is fortunate enough, they can represent their country at the international level. It is the dream of every athlete. 


Nobody knows how players reach the state, national, or international level. It takes continuous efforts to be there. 


For the state-level competition, we were living in a function hall, which was full of dust and had no medical facilities; it was not hygienic at all. There were no sanitary facilities. They might have rented it for a few thousand rupees, or somebody might have donated it to charity. 

This was the condition of the yoga state-level competition. We can imagine what can be state-level, district-level, and school-level events. 


If we are to compete with elite countries, we must put in a lot of effort. Such sporting gatherings should be a joyful occasion for all. Athletes who do not have much competition experience are more likely to lose interest in a sport. All sports tournaments aim to inspire participants to excel in their respective sports.

If one participant loses interest, it has a negative impact on hundreds more. Sport event organisers must take every precaution to ensure that their events are both interesting and enjoyable. I hope India's situation improves soon.

Thank you


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